Spring has sprung, it's the perfect time to spruce up your creative habits!

Spring has sprung, and it's the perfect time to freshen up your creative habits with a little spring cleaning.

Just like you might declutter your home or workspace to make room for new things, you need to declutter your mind and habits to make room for new ideas and creative growth.

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Passion + Purpose and how it Fuels Productivity

As a creative small business owner, I need to find my way out of low-energy or unproductive days so that I can get things done and hit my deadlines. The best way (for me) to do this is by understanding the purpose behind the task. If it’s a client deadline… well that’s easy, I want to get paid and make the client happy. But what if it’s a personal goal? Then you need to know YOUR WHY because Passion and Purpose fuel PRODUCTIVITY.

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Why Creatives should take time to rest and recharge

It’s incredibly important to realize that rest time is just as important as work time. They are meant to work together, to keep our minds (and lives ) happy and healthy. This is why learning to hit the pause button (and the Stop one too) is an important skill to have.

My best tip for ensuring that you have more restful moments in your day is to schedule time for it. Adding some tranquility to your day will allow your brain the R&R restoration that it craves.

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How to be Productive When You're Feeling Unmotivated

As a freelancer, feeling unmotivated can be frustrating. Especially when you have assignments on the board and bills to be paid. So, what's a creative to do? Learn to move beyond those feelings because your business survives on you working. In this blog article, I have several ideas to help you become more productive.

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What to do during Quiet Times as a Freelancer

As a freelancer you will need to navigate both busy and quiet business periods. Knowing how to deal with these extremes in your freelance business, will help you become a more confident freelancer. Because bottom line, you don’t have to stop when business is slow. By staying productive you will be better prepared for new opportunities when they arise.

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How the power of small wins can help you achieve a big goal.

How I pursued a freelance career by planning daily actionable steps. The small wins along the way kept me motivated and excited to achieve my larger goal of being a successful freelance artist. In this blog I talk about how those small wins stack up and help you chip away at large, sometimes overwhelming goals.

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