Passion + Purpose and how it Fuels Productivity

As a creative small business owner, I need to find my way out of low-energy or unproductive days so that I can get things done and hit my deadlines. The best way (for me) to do this is by understanding the purpose behind the task. If it’s a client deadline… well that’s easy, I want to get paid and make the client happy. But what if it’s a personal goal? Then you need to know YOUR WHY because Passion and Purpose fuel PRODUCTIVITY.

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Finding Your Creative Path

Through questions and exercises in the workbook, you will be able to turn ideas into goals to inspire more confidence and fulfillment in your creative pursuits. Finding your Creative Path helps you align with your goals over a 12-month period using seasonal planning. Perfect to start the new year with… or anytime you want to make a change and chart a new creative path.

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The Benefits of Seasonal Goal Planning

Seasonal goals work in shorter, 3-month time frames, to keep you motivated and productive. Instead of putting all your focus on a large yearly goal — you plan several goals that work with the seasons and your schedule. This system works exceptionally well, especially if you’re a freelancer, artist, or entrepreneur who is juggling a hectic family schedule.

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