Passion + Purpose and how it Fuels Productivity

As a creative small business owner, I need to find my way out of low-energy or unproductive days so that I can get things done and hit my deadlines. The best way (for me) to do this is by understanding the purpose behind the task. If it’s a client deadline… well that’s easy, I want to get paid and make the client happy. But what if it’s a personal goal? Then you need to know YOUR WHY because Passion and Purpose fuel PRODUCTIVITY.

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Freelancing in a Pandemic: How to keep moving forward while staying hopeful.

With everything going on in the world how can we stay hopeful, productive, and dedicated to running a freelance business?

The illustrator in me wishes I could wave a magic wand and make things better… but we don’t live in a Disney movie, lovely as they are. Instead, I’ll share 10 things that I often do to feel more light-hearted, productive, and hopeful.

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The Benefits of Seasonal Goal Planning

Seasonal goals work in shorter, 3-month time frames, to keep you motivated and productive. Instead of putting all your focus on a large yearly goal — you plan several goals that work with the seasons and your schedule. This system works exceptionally well, especially if you’re a freelancer, artist, or entrepreneur who is juggling a hectic family schedule.

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How to be Productive When You're Feeling Unmotivated

As a freelancer, feeling unmotivated can be frustrating. Especially when you have assignments on the board and bills to be paid. So, what's a creative to do? Learn to move beyond those feelings because your business survives on you working. In this blog article, I have several ideas to help you become more productive.

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