Creativity and Plants: Improve your creative space and mood.

With many of us spending more time indoors and the long-term effects of living in a pandemic, it’s no surprise that people are turning to the uplifting power of houseplants.

Whether you are looking for a mood boost, a happier creative space, or simply updating your decor, why not add a sweet little plant (or two)?

Did you know that plants are wonderful air purifiers? AND… studies show that plants can reduce stress as well as increase creativity and productivity? Once I began reading about the many benefits of having plants in our living spaces, I became curious about the different varieties and care involved. This is funny too, because before 2021 I didn’t understand the whole “crazy plant lady thing”…. but not anymore!


My studio (and home) is blooming with several lovely new plant babies! Once I began down this greenery-inspired path, I understood why so many fellow creatives & artists surround themselves with refreshing plants in all shapes and sizes.

Benefits of houseplants:

Air-Quality: Even more important considering how many times people are spending indoors due to the pandemic.

NASA has done a study revealing that houseplants can remove over 85% of the air toxins in 24 hours. B.C. “Bill” Wolverton was an environmental scientist who wrote dozens of air-quality technical papers and the book “How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 Houseplants that Purify Your Office.” He explains how plants emit water vapor that creates a pumping action to pull contaminated air down around a plant’s roots, where it’s converted into food for the plant. He also explains which plants remove the most toxins and rate the level of maintenance each plant needs.

Plants are remarkable organisms that absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, a result of the photosynthesis process. Even if this causes only a slight increase in your air quality — it’s still an increase!

Personal Plant Sanctuary: An indoor garden can be a source of tranquility and joy. No matter the size of your environment. A plant can sit on a shelf, window sill, table, stand… really they fit any size space.

A study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that plants in your home or office can make you feel more comfortable, soothed, and natural.


Plant Therapy: Horticulture therapy has been shown to increase feelings of well-being when people are suffering from anxiety or depression. The simple act of watering plants can help you feel more relaxed. It provides a short break that allows you to return to a task more refreshed and focused.

“When you make the decision to care for plants, you’re forging a relationship. Your patience and care can reward you with a healthy and fruitful result. This reward triggers the release of dopamine, oxytocin, and even serotonin in your brain, all referred to as your “happy hormones”. - Peg Sadie, psychotherapist

Productivity: Studies have shown that plants in your studio/workspace increase productivity and creativity. (YEAH!) According to a study conducted by Texas A&M University, plants can boost creativity by 15% or more.

In fact, some innovative companies (including Amazon) have begun to adopt ideas from the “biophilic” design movement, which infuses natural themes into modern buildings and workspaces. Rest assured, you don’t need to go to such decor extremes or build an indoor garden. Start with one or two little beauties that fit your lifestyle.

For me, the hardest thing is deciding which pretty container to display my new plant in! If you have never owned a houseplant before, I would suggest that you begin with a variety that is easy to care for, tolerant to neglect (just in case), and inexpensive… and if it’s easy to propagate, that’s a bonus in my book.

If you’re not sure how attentive a Plant Parent you will be, download the Creative Plant Lady PDF in the Crew’s Nest. I share my favorite, easy-care plants (perfect for beginners) and include a handy place to find some good plant buys.

If you don’t have access to the Crew’s Nest Resource Library than become a member of the Creative Crew! It’s FREE to join and includes a monthly creative Pep Talk and Art Hug too.

AND, If you have a favorite plant feel free to share. I would love to hear about the lovely green beauties that you enjoy in your own home or studio.

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