How to Create a Simple, Authentic Vision Board

I love the process of creating a Vision Board. Not only because it helps me realize dream goals, but due to the simple fact that taking the time to reflect and create fosters the most encouraging energy during the process.

It's not about cutting images from magazines in the hope that a dream vacation will "manifest" in my life. Instead, I enjoy the quiet time and reflective process that comes from the creation of an authentic vision board and the inspirational energy that follows.

Truly there aren't any hard and fast rules with creating a vision board since it is unique to the person. Some folks prefer to create a traditional board and others have a digital preference. In my opinion, I would use the medium that you enjoy most, as long as you have a tangible print or copy of the board to display in a place where you can see it daily.

Otherwise, I believe that you should only follow three simple things. Reflect, create, and enjoy.

Creating becomes a beautiful intuitive process when you spend time reflecting on the feelings behind your vision board first. Doing so allows you to better navigate the life aspects you want to focus on.

There are many outlined methods online about how to create a vision board, but in my opinion, focusing on a feeling(s) helps anchor you to what you are passionate about.

I've created a Vision Board Guide that will help you reflect on your emotions and current perspective. When you define a powerful feeling, you can create from a more authentic place. It also becomes easier to select board visuals (or words) that symbolically represent your dream goals.

And with vision boards, the more specific, the better. To get the Vision Board PDF guide, head over to the Crew's Nest Resource Library where it is free to download, print, and enjoy.

Once you have completed your Vision Board you should choose an important place to display it - where you can view it daily. You need to see your dream goals so that you can visualize them on a consistent basis. It becomes a steady, positive reminder of the path you’re on... especially on the days when you feel discouraged or unmotivated. Taking a moment to pause and view your vision board will be a welcome reminder of what you’re striving for and find gratitude for the things you’ve already achieved.

I keep a printed version of my board pinned beside my seasonal goals and a second copy in my day planner. I like having that “back-up board” on me when I’m away from the studio... just in case I need some positive reinforcement.

And really, that is how I characterize a Vision Board. A collection of motivational visuals that keep me moving forward in an inspired and positive way. It doesn't have to be spiritual or mystical, it's simply putting meaningful inspiration in one place to offer daily encouragement. And if the universe comes calling in the process, well, that’s just icing on top of an already delicious chocolate cake.

Believe. No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.
— Helen Keller

Want access to the Vision Board PDF and other freebies in the Library? Simple, be part of the Creative Crew. Join for free and receive a monthly Pep Talk (with printable Art Hug) plus access to the Crew’s Nest Resource Library.

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