How to Create a Simple, Authentic Vision Board

I love the process of creating a Vision Board. Not only because it helps me realize dream goals, but due to the simple fact that taking the time to reflect and create fosters the most encouraging energy during the process.

It's not about cutting images from magazines in the hope that a dream vacation will "manifest" in my life. Instead, I enjoy the quiet time and reflective process that comes from the creation of an authentic vision board and the inspirational energy that follows.

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A Pep Talk About Taking Action for Creatives & Freelancers

As a creative freelancer or entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the busy work of planning vs doing. Planning is important, but it's only one step in the process. If you don't move beyond that step, planning slides into procrastination. And really, don’t we have enough distractions in our daily lives (um…hello social media and a pandemic) to not become sidelined with continual planning. So don’t get bogged down with planning, move beyond that step, and learn to enjoy the whole creative journey.

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