7 Simple Ways to Keep Joy in Your Holidays

Oh, December! People often have a love/hate relationship with this festive calendar month.

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If you're feeling less than jolly lately, I have a few simple ideas on how to bring some joy back to your holiday season. 

  1. Drop the idea of a "perfect holiday" - don't get caught up in the little details and instead focus on your holiday priorities that bring you joy. For example, You might have been that holiday elf who sent out 500-holiday cards, decked out the house in twinkle lights, baked homemade sourdough bread for your neighbors, and gave your kids teachers handknit scarves. Maybe it’s high time to cross a few items off your list this year. Can you do that? Yes, you can... and you should. Pick the holiday priorities that matter to you the most and scratch the other items off.

  2. Put your weary feet up. This time of year it’s important to rest. Find those moments of downtime whether it’s going to bed early, sleeping in, or taking what my Dad calls a “15-minute power nap". You will stay healthier and happier if you give yourself that much-needed rest. And if a nap just isn’t your thing, spending 15-minutes working on a quiet meditation is another great way to calm and recharge.

  3. Ignore what other people are doing on Social Media. Social media breaks (or limits) is something I highly recommend. Why? Because it isn’t healthy to be looking down at your phone every 5 minutes. The downside to social media is comparing yourself to others and the “perfectly curated” images that those folks often post. Get off of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and focus on what is happening in your own home. Seeing how other folks are celebrating can make you feel guilty like you aren’t doing enough. But guess what… it's okay if you didn't decorate 15-dozen cookies or have a Martha Stewart trimmed home. Enjoy your holiday traditions and embrace the things that make you happy and keep you in a well-balanced frame of mind.

  4. Bring back the fun. Take a moment to be silly with your family... play a game together, watch a funny movie, blast the holiday music and dance around, go outside and enjoy nature... hike, sled, walk. Enjoy the together time and make some new memories with your family this year.

  5. Plan a family holiday afternoon. This could be an afternoon of making holiday cards to send to friends and family, building a gingerbread house, stringing popcorn and cranberries, or making a tasty dinner together. Plan an activity with your family that you can simply enjoy, no pressure or stress, just togetherness and good old- fashioned family bonding time.

  6. Share a holiday surprise. Giving back is a fantastic mood lift. And sharing a surprise moment during the holidays is guaranteed joy. It could be paying for the next person's coffee in line or making a donation to a local food bank, bringing cookies to your friends, or shoveling a neighbors walkway. Involve the kids in a holiday surprise (or two) so that they can experience the joy of sharing an unexpected act of kindness.

  7. Embrace that this year is different. The holiday season can be a blur and we don't always remember all the details that happened from years past... but we often remember the big and different things. 2020 will always stick out, so look to the simple things that can make it magical and embrace those.

BONUS TIP: When all else fails... treat yourself to a feel-good movie or book. It doesn't have to be a holiday fave, but it does have to be something that makes you smile. Be kind to yourself and those around you this holiday season and lean into those simple, unencumbered moments that allow you to feel joyful.

Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season!

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